recent additions
  • insert cool title here
  • insert cool title here
Cras ultrices ante diam, non tristique neque cursus egestas. Morbi a neque vestibulum, imperdiet odio vitae, commodo mi. Aenean eget lectus tincidunt, congue neque a, posuere lectus. Praesent et fringilla leo.

hey there!

Welcome to washedhands, cleanest corner on the internet. Hope you washed your hands on the way in! Things around here may still seem a bit sparse. Do not fret, however, as there are new things to come...

what's up?

  • Entire site has a fresh(er!) coat of paint.
  • Most pages have been taken down for reconstruction, most notably the about me and sketchbook.
  • A simpler way to navigate the site. Originally there was a sidebar navigational system, but this is no longer in use.
  • NEW LAYOUT?? (This took me a couple of days to figure out, no joke)

in the works

This website will serve as a place to showcase my artwork, facilitate commissions, share fun things, and direct attention to other social media (where I might actually post shit for once 🤯). Here's what you can expect as I update this website:
  • A brand new about me page! You'll meet a much older (and hopefully wiser) person this time.
  • New pages, including a portfolio gallery and a links page (plus any cool concepts that I can achieve with code).
  • Graphics illustrated by myself (with interactive elements perhaps?)
  • A commission page where you can find information about the pricing on my art, ToS and FaQ, and a handy dandy order form. (serving Aussies only for the time being, sorry!)
  • I've had an idea about making a page featuring an "animated interactive world" that can be explored using html image maps, but that might take the longest out of all the projects I have for this website, so it's on the back burner for now.
  • Interactive animation cels? 🤔

support me!
Cras ultrices ante diam, non tristique neque cursus egestas. Morbi a neque vestibulum, imperdiet odio vitae, commodo mi. Aenean eget lectus tincidunt, congue neque a, posuere lectus. Praesent et fringilla leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non purus nisi. Maecenas finibus urna enim, in ornare ligula sagittis sed. Nunc mollis eget massa at pulvinar. Maecenas tincidunt, tortor nec aliquet congue, augue mi sodales ligula, a tempus dolor orci at erat. Vivamus finibus justo vel ipsum feugiat, in vulputate lectus semper.